ISO 22301:2019 Business Continuity Management System

ASA has been providing Business Continuity Management System Certification audit since 2016.

ISO 22301 empowers organizations to put in place a business continuity. This will support them, manage their Business Continuity and Resilience risks, and improve their performance by developing and implementing effective policies and objectives.

The advantages of being ISO 22301:2019 Certified

  • Business Protection – ISO 22301 ultimately protects the value of the organisation by minimising the likelihood and impact of if being unable to deliver its products and services to its customers
  • Internationally Recognised Standard – This allows you to easily comminate your approach to Safety in the Workplace with and other parties with which your organisation engages, such as supply chains.
  • Ability to meet legal and regulatory requirements – ISO 22301 can help you to establish operational controls which take into account risks and opportunities, as well as legal and other requirements.
  • Leadership Commitment to Business Continuity - The standard provides a systematic approach for senior leadership to assess Business Continuity risk and opportunities, monitor and review performance and set objectives for continual improvement within the ‘context’ of organizational activities. Implementation is a demonstration and commitment from senior leadership to internal and external stakeholders of the intent to protect workers from accidents including short - and long - term ill health effects. This commitment also provides assurances to the Board of Directors, Trustees or owners that management controls regarding Business Continuity inherent within the organization.
  • Resilient Environment - The standard will help you to determine causes of interruption with your activities; seeking to either eliminate them or put controls in place to minimise their effects and maintain the supply of your products and services to customers.
  • Creation of a Business Continuity and resilience culture, whereby employees are encouraged to take an active role - The business continuity man agement system helps organizations to increase employee awareness of risks, and promotes workers to take an active role in continuity and resilience matters.
  • Customers Retention – If customers fail to receive your products and services this can disrupt the relationship and cause them to seek alternatives elsewhere.
  • Supply Chain participation – Supply chain resilience is critical to many organisations, so the ability to demonstrate robust business continuity arrangements can create opportunities for supply chain participation.
  • Enhanced reputation – Achieving certification to this standard is a recognition that you have achieved an international benchmark, getting you noticed by customers who are concerned about their social responsibilities.
  • Crisis Management – The standard will enable the business to respond to crises better which can enhance both the reputation and value of its brand


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40 Hours
Booking Fee
SGD $50.00

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